Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My first

"I wonder... When a Butterfly leaves the safety of its coccon dose it realize how beautiful it had become?.... Or dose it still see itself as a Catapilar?".......... So where dose change come from? Furthermore how do we recognize it when it happends? I think that (sometimes) being backed into a cornor, and being frced to make a decision that you think your not ready for can be a totally liberating experence. It forces us to move foward and if were not moving foward then of course we are standing still, and who wants to do that. It may feel safe behind your same old wall's (waiting for change to happen to you) but why wait for change to happen when you can make decisions and make change happen. Life is always gonna grab us by the sleve and and take us places, but wouldnt you like some say so in where your going and how your gettin there instead of just goin through the motions? Sometimes we have to pee into the wind and see what happends maybe you wot get wet LOL. Do something diffrent, move somewhere else, end a relationship, end a friendship, end a marriage, quit a job, end a fuckin sentance! It dosent matter, you will know what kind of change you need to make depending on your circumstances. But at least your not waiting for change to come to you. At least this way you have a little say so. And if it goes wrong who cares at least you will have the piece of mind knowing that it was your decision, that you made it happen, it didnt happen to you! Change happends embrace it! take the GD wheel! dont ride in the back seat DRIVE MAN! It happends cause sometimes the things you cant change, well... they end up changing you and I for 1 would like some say so.


Welcome Welcome. Get your popcorn your peanuts, your crackerjacks. Welcome to my head I hope you got your boots on, cause theres alot of Sh*t goin on in here.... Did I say welcome??